Personal Ethos

Jason Hsu
3 min readFeb 19, 2020


Ethos are the principles you live by, the guidelines that you adhere to, the compass that you can always refer. Here I write down my personal ethos in hope that I remain true to my value and belief.

By Jason Hsu, 2020/02/20

  1. Failure and success. I will not feel despaired and lose hope when I fail. Failure is mother of success. I may get frustrated but I will not lose faith and confidence in myself. I only need to get better next time. When I succeed, I will not be arrogant. I will be humbled and thankful and use my experience to help others.
  2. Hardship / Suffering / tragedy. I understand life has ups and downs. I will find strength and resiliences in times of suffering and sadness. Suffering and struggle help me find meaning in life. When encountering loss of loved ones or tragedy, I will remain calm and steer through it with gratitude and quietness.
  3. Family. I can’t choose how I come to this world but I can choose how I interact with family. They are the sources and origin of who I am and what made me today. Siblings are the ones who help me remember my childhood and youth. Spouse is the one who spends the adult life with me. Parents are the dearest love to me. No matter what, family comes first. I love them with all my might.
  4. Work. I work to create value and make impact.I am driven by learning. I will stop working if I stop learning. I work to achieve ideals not enslaved by money. I will do public work to set examples for others to follow and leave legacy.
  5. Relationships. I treasure relationships and authenticity of relationships. I will not overpromise. I will only tell truth in relationships even if it is hard.
  6. Love. I acknowledge love to be the source of all strength and wisdom. I practice compassion and truthfulness and appreciate common humanity. I also acknowledge that hatred exists. I will not harbor hatred. Hate less and love more.
  7. Faith. I do not have a religion. I come from a Buddhist family and I am exposed and acceptive to all religions that promotes love, compassion, peace, brotherhood, kindness, forgivingness. I believe in reincarnation and karma. Spirituality is a state of mind manifested by being one with doing what you believe and who you are.
  8. Nature. I am a part of nature. I seek to connect with nature regularly. Nature teaches me to be humble and inspires me to be broad and generous. Nature is eternity, consistency and respect.
  9. Rest and Silence. Life is a marathon not a sprint. I work to achieve incremental improvement over sustained period of time. I know sometimes slow-down is essential. Listen to my own heart and inner voice. Spend quiet time with myself.
  10. Morality and Death. I will live well by my ethos and be at peace when the time comes for me to leave the world, whether suddenly or expectedly. Life is to be lived with hope not in fear of death.



Jason Hsu
Jason Hsu

Written by Jason Hsu

curator, entrepreneur, restless learner and legislator 策展人、創業者、飢渴的學習者、立法委員 關注:新創、科技、教育、環境永續、互聯網應用 Twitter:@augama LinkedIN:

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